Tandem Spirituality

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Supporting the church through cultivating healthy relationships in order to impact the Kingdom of God.

Welcome to Tandem Spirituality. We are excited about the new adventure God has us on. Our hearts have always been for the church, which is the vehicle God has used, is using and will continue to use to impact the world. In particular our hearts are for leaders and their personal spiritual health. As you explore our ministry, let us know if we can be of help to you.

Jim and Suzi Kallam
Co-Founders of Tandem Spirituality




“The pressures on leaders in the church today are immense and the challenges they face can push even the best leaders to the brink. Jim and Suzi Kallam know firsthand the pressures and challenges of ministry. They have a deep love for the church and heart for leaders, which led them to form Tandem Spirituality in order to come alongside leaders to help them navigate the whitewater of life in ministry today. I can’t think of anyone better to walk alongside leaders and equip them for ministry!” —Kevin Kompelien, EFCA President


What We Offer


Couple Conversations on Balance of Faith & Ministry

Healthy Transitions in Ministry

Coaching on Spiritual & Emotional Health

International Ministry

Preaching & Teaching

Church Leadership Coaching




"Jimmy and Suzi are proven alongsiders. Held in high esteem by colleagues near and far, these two are making their bountiful war chest of life and ministry experiences available to any who need spiritual reinforcement. Why do they do it? Because Lord knows, they've needed it themselves. And they've appreciated every bit of it along the way. Now more than ever, they want to be there for others." —Glen Schrieber, District Superintendent
​EFCA Southeast

Recent Devotionals